Certification: CPD

Certified Python Developer (CPD)

The certified Python Developer (CPD) is meticulously designed to assess the foundational skills and knowledge of individuals in Python programming. This exam serves as a robust platform for evaluating the examinees' grasp of Python's standard libraries, which are pivotal in addressing basic to intermediate-level tasks.

This certification demonstrates the individual's proficiency in a range of key concepts including:

  • String Handling: Operations like concatenation (+), slicing ([:]), and methods like split(), format() facilitate effective string manipulation and formatting.

  • Control Flows: Includes conditional statements if, elif, and else for decision-making based on conditions, and ternary operators for inline condition checking.

  • Loops: For loops iterate over sequences, while loops repeat code as long as a condition is true. Break and continue allow complex loop control.

  • Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets allow for organized and efficient data manipulation and storage.

  • Standard Functions in Python: Built-in functions like print(), len(), type(), input() provide basic operations and input/output tasks.

  • Modules and Packages: Modules are single files with functions, classes, and variables; Packages organize related modules. pip is used for installing additional modules.

  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Exam Duration: 90 minutes.
  • Number of Questions: 45x question.
  • Format: Single and multiple choice questions.
  • Validation: Life-time.
  • English (available)
  • German (available)
  • French (available)
  • Spanish (available)
  • Arabic (coming soon)
  • Exam Price: 150 EUR / 150 USD / 130 GBP (excl. VAT)
  • Student Discount: 30%  by sending the university/school registration copy.
Syllabus Exam Guide